A Letter To Me

Dear Future me,

Dozie Anams
4 min readJul 19, 2023

Hey pal, what’s good?

Photo by Michael Fousert on Unsplash

It’s me, you, only a couple of years younger. Seated in a field of dreams, I honestly don’t know why I’m writing, I’ve spent so much time wondering what we’re like in the future, I thought I’ll just get ahead and find out. I have a lot of questions, not sure I’m ready for the answers, but I’ll ask nonetheless because I know you’re cool. Too bad we still haven’t figured out time travel, would’ve been cool to have this conversation in person.

Hmm… How do I begin? Remember when we used to think life was one long straight line, and we had it all figured out? Damn! We couldn’t have been more wrong. I now know that life has got more curves than an actual “French curve”, I like to think of it as a rollercoaster of epic emotional proportions. I wonder if our perception of life eventually changes.

How are we doing in your timeline? I like to think we’d have lived a good and fulfilled life, I’m under no illusions so I don’t expect it to be rosy, but I do hope we had fun navigating through it all. I’d hate to be wrong.
How many things did we get to check off our bucket list?
I like to think we travelled as much as we wanted to, visited new places and made a scrapbook of the memories made. I can’t wait to see that film we always said we’d make. I really hope we did make it because it will be a shame to allow fear and doubt to rid us of getting an amazing story told.
I always feel this sense of calm, even when the storm is raging, that’s how I know we turned out fine; deep down I just know we’re alright.
For the love of God, I hope we didn’t go bald. Don’t know about you, but I actually like the feel of hair on my head.

Do we ever do anything about her? You know who I’m talking about, the one person that somehow always found her way into our thoughts. Did we ever do anything about the relationship, or we just kept pretending like there wasn’t anything there until it became true? We’re good with the way things are at the moment, but down the line, did we have any regrets or were we right after all? I wonder how it all played out.

What can you tell me about Omego? What is she up to? Are we still friends? Nah, never mind that question. I think that’s a part of our existence that’s never going to change, I hope it doesn’t. How many kids does she have now? She always wanted five, and always said she liked a full house. I like to think that she has them all playing around the house, goofing around, must be nice. I bet she discipline’s them well, the words “spare the rod and spoil the child” aren’t lost on her. Above all, I hope she’s happy and has all she’s ever wanted because she deserves it. I was going to ask if she’s still stubborn, but then it’s Omego, stubborn is a default setting.

It will be interesting to see Eche’s latest doings, what is he up to these days? Off of my head, I’ll say he’s probably touring the world, making money, driving fast cars and living to the fullest. He sure does know how to have fun, that’s not something you unlearn. What happened with Madubine?! I can’t put my hands on what went wrong, nonetheless, I hope he’s happy.

Saving the best for last, how’s the FAM? I imagine we’ve grown in number, it’s got to be a pretty big household now, everyone happy and healthy. Xmas has got to be fun again, Janta must be smiling down on us all now. He had his quirks, but all that ever made him happy was seeing all of the FAM happy. I miss him a lot.

Phew! Like I said, a lot of questions. A wise man once told us that “If we could see our future, then it’d never become a reality” so I better not peek behind that curtain. Although, I have to admit it’ll be nice to know we turned out fine.

I don’t know where you’re right now or what you’ve been up to recently, but I believe we’re good and that’s enough for me. I look forward to being you, heck I’m quite excited by the thought.

Well, till such a time as when we’re able to be, be good. Valar Moghulis.

Yours Sincerely,



Dozie Anams

Inspired by the sun, moon, and stars. There are no limits to what's possible. I'm beautifully insane. ❤️